
As official journal of the Surgical Outcomes Club, JAMA Surgery provides SOC members with free access to high-quality articles, multimedia, and learning tools. Click here to access them.

Guide to Statistics and Methods

Surgical Outcomes Club/JAMA Surgery Effective Use of Reporting Guidelines to Improve the Quality of Surgical Research

Brooke BS, Ghaferi AA, Kibbe MR. Effective Use of Reporting Guidelines to Improve the Quality of Surgical Research. JAMA Surgery. 2021, 156(6):515-516

The methodology toolbox

Surgical Outcomes Club/JAMA Surgery Health Services Research Methodology Series

Ghaferi AA, Haider AH, Kibbe MR. Maximizing the Impact of Surgical Health Services Research - The Methodology Toolbox. JAMA Surgery. 2020, 155(3):190-191

Practical Guides to Data Sets Series

Surgical Outcomes Club/JAMA Surgery Practical Guides to Data Sets Series

Haider AH, Bilimoria KY, Kibbe MR. A Checklist to Elevate the Science of Surgical Database Research. JAMA Surgery. 2018; 153(6):505-507.

Kelz RR, Brooke B, Dossett L. Leveraging the Health Services Research Toolbox for Surgical Education Research. JAMA Surgery, 2022; 157(8):649-650.

Pitt SC, Dossett LA. Deimplementation of Low-Value Care in Surgery. JAMA Surgery, 2022; Epub Ahead of Print.

Massarweh NN, Ghaferi AA, Kelz RR. Achieving Critical Mass in Surgical Outcomes Research. The Changing Role of the Surgical Outcomes Club. JAMA Surgery, 2020; 155(10):911-912.